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Special Services Available ...

The Kansas City Crime Lab, 6633 Troost Ave., provides fingerprinting services for the public. The cost is $15 per card. The service is available Tuesday through Thursday from 8am to 2pm. Walk-ins only. They accept cash, check or charge. This is a great service for doctors, teachers, attorneys, investors, realtors, child care workers, nurses, and other professionals that are required to provide their fingerprints. For questions, contact Tammy Travis at 816-349-3208.

1Week KC - Uniting Kansas City Entrepeneurs

June 9-15 is the exciting week of local events to inspire, encourage, and celebrate entrepreneurship throughout the greater Kansas City region. The week includes Startup Games powered by Google Fiber, E Day at the K, 1 Million Cups, Sprint Techstars Demo Day, Digital Sandbox KC Innovation Showcase, Silicon Prairie News Pub Quiz, Startup Waffles, Startup Party, Startup Weekend, and Boulevardia. For details, visit


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